7:19 PM 8/30/2021
Let me say this. Terlingua is nowhere. Go to a Texas map. Look to the western side of the state, down by Big Bend National Park. Terlingua is to the west of the NP, and about 50 miles from the Rio Grande. Perfect place for photographing the night sky, which is why I went out there. However, I found out the weather was not going to cooperate.
Before we get to Terlingua, we should stop on our drive down HWY 90 headed west. Stopping at Langtree, Texas, we find the home/bar/law office of Judge Roy Bean, the only law west of the PECOS (river). It is a real place, and his place is still there, now preserved by the State of Texas. They have a visitor's center there with brochures etc.
If it gets cold, you will have a nice pot belly stove to warm up by. But, in this case you have to go out and cut your own fire wood.
Nice table and chair purchased at Furniture Outlet (not). This table and chair combination must be about 125 years old. Notice the texture of the floor. If only the walls could talk. There is a sign behind the bar (which Judge Roy Bean ran, when he was not working as a judge), and in part the sign says: No cussin, fightin, and don't spit on the floor.
Just in case you have a chaw, here is where you better spit to. If not the Judge could give you 30 days! On the other hand, look at the bright side. If you chaw then your breath will stank so bad that nobody will get near you and you will never catch COVID!!!
This is a real cactus, not one found in the home and garden department.