These photos were taken in medium format, with a Hasselblad 503cw camera. The negative is 2.25" x 2.25" (film). Why not just switch over to digital like every body else? Well, actually I have. But..... There is detail in larger format photos which is lost is both 35mm and digital cameras. I am using 120 film. Also, click on each photo to enlarge it if you like.
If you look closely at these photos you can see detail that is just not possible with 35mm or a digital camera. They are also in black and white which brings out the contrast and makes for a dramatic photograph.
My objective here is to show the "old" Corpus Christi. The "new" Corpus Christi, is slowly replacing the older architecture which is slowly being torn down for new modern all glass buildings. One day all of this will be gone with the exception of a few musty phototographs.
Please click on each photo for a larger view.